Questions and Answers:
What exactly is it that The Amnesty Coalition does? What does it stand for?
What we stand for is very simple: what is the actual definition of a nation? What is the actual definition of a diplomat? How does a diplomat interact with the world? How is a diplomat different from a consul? How do we create groups that successfully interact with the world on the international playing field?
These are the questions that we ask in The Amnesty Coalition. Our covenant has a tremendous amount of information as well, but we typically are the kinds of people who ask a ton of questions in an attempt to understand our environment.
We are building a nation that is entirely devoted to learning more about our legal systems, clearing up and understanding the definitions of words, terms and phrases, as well as speaking peace and tranquility throughout the world by sharing what we learn with others in an engaging and fun way.
We want to help all the nations of the world recognize and set themselves up in the international playing field so that we can create a more tranquil world via international diplomatic relationships between all individual groups of thinking people.
I suppose our only TRUE specific desires in terms of “politics” would be simply to return the USA to the gold standard and to also have the 14th Amendment acknowledged as to have never been properly ratified from its inception. Congress speaks about this in 1967, regarding how enough States never even properly ratified it. The 14th Amendment was the birth of the “Federal citizen” (US citizen) classification and, by its natural elimination, that designation will be wiped off the face of the Earth as the virus it has always been. The 14th Amendment is the greatest scam and plague ever pushed on the American people.
An excellent video that explains what we stand for and how we think can be found here:
Are there citizens of The Amnesty Coalition?
Absolutely not. The typical definition of a “citizen” is “someone who subjects themselves to a political body.” But when it comes to the corporation called the “United States,” they had to implement some kind of commercial element in order to gain “plenary power” via the Commerce Clause of the Constitution. So they made the definition of “US citizen” mean, essentially, an employee of the corporation. This can be easily seen on the original 1936 social security cards, where it says “employee’s signature.”
Anyone saying that they are “citizens” of The Amnesty Coalition is lying. There are ONLY nationals and those nationals must be ambassadors in order to be nationals. No one “subjects” themselves to anything becoming involved with our nation.
How do I become a national or ambassador of The Amnesty Coalition?
Simply pledge allegiance to The Amnesty Coalition and agree to the covenant of an ambassador. Typically, this covenant is attached to a DS-11 form in the United States of America, but pledging allegiance to The Amnesty Coalition is acceptable by anyone in the world who is willing to follow the covenant. So it’s not only for people in the United States of America.
As long as you agree to the covenant and operate at peace, you’re welcome to join our ranks as an ambassador. Your job duties as an ambassador can be altered slightly to apply to your country or it can be simply assumed that you will apply the same idea to your country (which is essentially a focus on education to unincorporate your nation as well as to return your nation to a gold/silver based currency system.)
All nationals of The Amnesty Coalition are ambassadors. “Citizens” of The Amnesty Coalition do not exist as there is no such thing.
Does The Amnesty Coalition own or intend on owning land?
No. As far as the research has gone, owning land is not a requirement of having your own nation. An excellent example of a legal nation that does not possess any land would be the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. They issue diplomatic license plates, passports, etc, without having any land at all. This is simply proof that land is not required to be your own nation.
The Sultan of Slowjamastan, Randy Williams, actually visited the Sovereign Military Order of Malta and you can see a video of him walking through it and talking about it here:
It’s possible that we may get some land at some point, if needed, but for now the current situation is perfect without it.
When was The Amnesty Coalition established and where is the embassy?
The Nation of the Amnesty Coalition was established in April of 2022. The international embassy is currently the private non-domestic domicile of Brandon Joe Williams. The embassy is not currently open to the public and may be at some point in the future as our nation expands and develops additional relationships.
The embassy is located in the unincorporated city of Glendale in the unincorporated California Republic (1849 Constitution). The legal address is 123 Purple Monkey Lane, Pickletaria, The Nation of The Amnesty Coalition.
Do you issue passports and automobile plates? Are they recognized by other governments?
As per 18 USC 11, “recognition” is not required to be a foreign government. All that is required is that you be at peace. More information on this subject can be seen by reading our covenant.
As for diplomatic plates, yes we do have a gorgeous plate designed by Dave Ehret over at Plates and Gear. We also have a template available where all you have to do is slap your nation’s logo or coat of arms on it and you can print it. You can see more about those resources on our Resources and Documents page.
As for passports, we intend on issuing passports at some point in the future. If anyone would like to make passports for us and charge for the process, please email or message me so we can speak about getting started on that. It’s not something I’m going to do, myself (too time consuming). Passports will be outsourced.
Do you intend to join the United Nations or start working more intimately with the US Dept of State/Dept of the Interior?
We have the intention to begin the conversation with the United Nations and possibly join it at some point in the future. For those people who are emotionally upset about the idea of us joining the United Nations, please take some time to read the actual agreement of nations that are joining the United Nations here:
We are active in America helping to get various independent organizations to actually follow the Codes of which they are supposed to be operating on.
If we joined the United Nations, and we found there were things going on that we were not in agreement with, we would launch into action to force the UN to follow their own agreements and writings. It’s no different than the US. So why this is so strange or upsetting to people makes absolutely zero sense to me. We WILL follow our intentions, without reservation.
As for the Dept of State/Dept of the Interior, yes, I’m very excited about contacting them in the future and we need to first figure out how the Nation of The Amnesty Coalition can be of assistance to the United States (from THEIR perspective).
We need to help and assist one-another. Not assume, without any real proof, that others or other groups are evil. That is broad, general, sweeping and ignorant. At the Nation of The Amnesty Coalition, we agree with the premise of innocent until PROVEN guilty.
For us to assume that someone is guilty prior to their guilt being established beyond a shadow of a doubt, is to shake and harm the entire sub-structure of stability in all of international law. Everyone has the right to defend themselves, to answer complaints and to be silent. Everyone deserves to have evidence presented before them and to have the opportunity to defend themselves against said evidence.
How can I create my own nation?
I go on shows quite often explaining and breaking this down in great detail. A good video that can get you rolling on understanding how this works is here:
Do you find it difficult to operate in relation to the United States being a foreign government?
No, it is quite easy. We simply follow the laws entirely and have all the benefits of being able to use the court system and all the public benefits, without any of the downsides such as having a tax liability.
The Amnesty Coalition, in its relationship and interfacing with “United States,” would be a Title 8 USC 1101(a)(28) “organization.” It is not incorporated, naturalized into, operating under the laws of, nor was born in the United States.
So having all the benefits and none of the downsides is a beautiful existence and we are very lucky to have such a great relationship with one of the greatest nations on Earth, the United States of America.
What is on the coat of arms and what does it mean?
The English Bulldog is my favorite animal. My friend has one named Balou (part pug, but bulldog personality) who I basically fell in love and became best friends with. I’ll put a whole section down below with his information.
Besides that, you can see pickles, a serpent and a dove. This symbology come from the following quote:
“Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves” - The Bible, Matthew 10:16
This quote describes what we are trying to do with The Amnesty Coalition. We are not specifically a Christian nation, but the Bible is full of incredible knowledge and is the backbone for the entire legal structure. Because of this, Christian text may not specifically be considered religious scripture to our ambassadors, but regardless… all ambassadors have an honest respect for the writings of Christ.
Pickles go without explanation and have been a part of our brand for ages.
As for the Latin saying, “omni verbo meretur manifesta definitione,” that means “every word deserves a clear definition” and is a direct Latin representation of our covenant.
Why are you so upset about and stark opponents of the 14th Amendment?
The 14th Amendment was not, at its time, a racist and horrible idea. The government was trying to sort out the massive upset between the North and South as to how the “Negroes” (their words, not mine) were to be released from slavery. The “middle ground” that was made to shake hands on this situation was the creation the of “Federal citizen” or “US citizen” category. The South didn’t want the released slaves to have the same rights as the rest of the “state citizens” in any of the several states of the union.
Everyone in the mid-to-late 1860s and early 1870s was simply trying to end the civil war. They were probably exhausted - beaten down by all the chaos and willing to accept anything offered to them. What was agreed upon was to create an entirely new category of “citizenship” called the “Federal US citizen” specifically for the blacks to be released into (so they wouldn’t have the full rights available to a “state citizen.”)
(The “Federal US citizen” category is very simple: they became employees of the Federal government. The Social Security number is the “identification number” of a “Federal US citizen.” Think of it like a “badge number” for government employees. If you look up images of the original Social Security cards, they literally said “employee” on them!)
The Supreme Court cases that finally interpreted the 14th Amendment to clarify this entire situation was the “Slaughterhouse Cases” of 1871.
Even just by Googling the “Slaughterhouse Cases,” we get a clear and transparent synopsis of what was being discussed from even Wikipedia (not a great source but shows you that this is not a “conspiracy theory” or anything wild-eyed):
“The Slaughter-House Cases, 83 U.S. 36, was a landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision which ruled that the Privileges or Immunities Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution only protects the legal rights that are associated with Federal U.S. citizenship, not those that pertain to state citizenship.”
You can see clear as day from the above quote that there is two different types of citizenship: the “Federal U.S. citizenship” and “state citizenship.”
“Federal US citizenship” is expressed by saying “I am a US citizen,” whereas state citizenship is expressed by saying “I am a Californian.” Just to give an example. This system is still entirely in play in today’s world (it’s just no one knows it!).
The reason why black men are the driving force behind the entire “US national” or “state national” movement is because they have been fighting for their rights as a state citizen since even the mid-1800s. Ultimately, this is their battle. It’s all our battle now that the whole country has been engulfed by this evil, but we are experiencing, ultimately, a multi-hundred year attempt for the black man/woman to be free of real slavery. We have all been unknowingly sucked into this nightmare and we truly are living in a racist shitshow (factually. This is not a “political” comment or fact.)
I personally believe that the reason why the black race commits a disproportionate amount of the crimes in society is due to a deep and foreboding knowledge of the fact that they have been screwed by society for ages. Their behavior is an unknowing rebellion against a real injustice. This does not excuse victim-centric mentality and I am not “siding with the Liberals” in an effort to make the black race a victim of their environment. I am simply stating that we are looking into the heart and soul of TRUE “systemic racism” when we are looking at the 14th Amendment.
To many, the 14th Amendment may appear as though it is pure evil. It may have come from a place of good intent when it was fake-ratified (was never legally ratified, see the below Congressional Record pictures for proof), but now it is completely outdated and is pure evil in the society.
“Right” or “Left” is entirely irrelevant when it comes to the idea of slavery. Yes, a very small percentage of the “Right” are highly racist and believe possibly in slavery. Those individuals are not being included in this writing or conversation and, as far as this nation is concerned, that specific demographic does not deserve to have a say in this manner. The 1st Amendment ends where harm to others begins and everyone deserves the full rights of being a man or woman and everyone deserves to be considered innocent until proven guilty (your rights are stripped from you by the society when you behave in a way that shows that you harm the rights of others).
Black men and women have been seeking freedom and equal rights for a long time. What has prevented that from occurring is the 14th Amendment.
Due to the extreme evil unknowingly inherent in the 14th Amendment, it is as if the ground opened up and yawned all manner of complications we see in the world today. All of the following aspects of our society were born out of this false “Federal US citizen” category being born: DMV, CIA, FBI, ATF, CDC (most “three-letter agencies”), driver’s licenses, licenses of almost any kind (fishing, hunting, “firearms,” etc), the District of Columbia, the Federal Reserve Bank, the police, “traffic” laws such as speed limits, income tax, State tax, smog testing, etc. I could go on and on but I think you get the point.
Prior to the birth of the “Federal US citizen” category, the entire country was basically just the county recorder, the Sheriff’s office and unincorporated trade organizations (not registered or governed by the government.) This is the world of North America back when there was ONLY the “state citizen” category (they never called it that. It’s just what EVERYONE was - “We the People”).
The county recorder handled titles, deeds and ownership. There was no “County of Los Angeles” that held property rights, like what you see now. There was only a small filing fee and an expression of ownership or expression of release of ownership or interest (this is the definition of the word “deed” when it comes to property). The county recorder was nothing more than a giant ledger to track who expressed an interest in what. This was so the courts (unincorporated courts) could determine who had expressed a claim of ownership. It was a very simple system. There was only the Sheriff… no “police.”
Through this “Federal US citizen” category, an entirely new country was born called the “United States.” (the original country is called the “united states of America” and each individual state is a separate nation state. Exactly how you would think of Europe… where many various states, all of which are legally separate, operate together as a union in a “nation of nations” called the “European Union.”)
In the old united states of America, each individual state is a separate country. In the new, incorporated “United States,” all the States are all together in one country of which is a legal fiction (notice I used “state” for the original states and “States” for the incorporated versions. This is exactly how they write it in the United States Code!)
As you will see from the Congressional Record of 1967, available below, the 14th Amendment was never properly ratified by 2/3rds of the states required. This means it was never legally ratified.
Once this most serious falsity is corrected, our glorious country will heal overnight. We will no longer have fake fiat “money,” police pulling people over, racism in our legal system, etc. The true solution to racism in our country is to acknowledge the 14th Amendment as having NEVER BEEN PROPERLY RATIFIED, AS CONGRESS HAS ALREADY SAID CLEARLY. This entire county will experience a massive healing instantly and will produce the following incredible effects:
All prisoners who have been convicted of victimless crimes, which are probably a disproportionate percentage of black men, will be released from prison and their records will be scrubbed entirely
All “driver’s licenses” will be null and void. There will be no “registration,” DMV, smog checks, etc
Income tax and the IRS will be entirely abolished INSTANTLY
The CIA, FBI, ATF, police and other law enforcement agencies will all be liquidated. They can all be merged into the Sheriff’s office (they don’t all need to lose their jobs! It will be a huge shift)
All freedoms involving “arms” will be returned to the people. Meaning ANY gun, ANY caliber, carried ANYWHERE YOU WANT as long as people are not being harmed. The “firearm” term was born out of the “Federal US citizen” category and “firearms” is not a term that exists on the “state citizen” side of the ledger
All “business licenses,” “liquor licenses,” “barbershop licenses,” “medical licenses,” etc, etc, etc, etc will all cease to exist. This will be a renaissance of a true free market system. NOTE: ALL DRUGS WILL BE LEGAL TO SELL, GROW, POSSESS, ETC. (to allow the government to “regulate” these aspects of society opens the door for those “regulations” to spread, insidiously, to other areas.)
CPS and any child-related aspects of the court system and government will vanish overnight
The court systems will undergo massive change and will revert back the way they were back before maybe 1850… meaning they will operate on local rules, customs and concerns rather than by “Codes” which are often commercial in nature
All the ORIGINAL state constitutions (which is probably not the version you have read) will become the basic skeletal structure for all legal proceedings in this country (of which should be studied and understood by children in school to ensure excellent social and commercial operation). For example, in California… the original constitution is from 1849. The constitution for the incorporated State was made in 1879. Those two constitutions are for two entirely different nations that happen to have very similar names!
All corporate States will be instantly vanished off the face of the Earth, such as “STATE OF CALIFORNIA.” All that will remain will be the “state of California,” which is entirely unincorporated. All State tax, gas tax, cigarette tax, sales tax, etc, will all be abolished instantly
The entire public school system will instantly vanish
The entire Social Security system, including any number that you believe may have something to do with you (it doesn’t), is instantly wiped off the face of the Earth
The 14th Amendment needs to be scrubbed from the face of the Earth with the greatest of force. It needs to be labeled as the racist and unacceptable Amendment that it is. It is un-American, unhuman and unacceptable. This is the freedom that the black man/woman has been looking for for centuries and is the true “reparations” that we should be speaking about. To free the black man is to free all races and this should be looked upon as the most important political decision of our country.
This horrible racist Amendment has literally destroyed our entire country. It has enslaved our children. This is a perfect example of how hatred begets more hatred. This is not a situation that should be “up for debate.” There is no debating when it comes to hatred. We need to accept the fact that there has been a serious injustice that has occurred and that injustice has bled into every facet of society. It is an excellent example of how hatred spreads, insidiously, to all other areas.
Below this text will be a couple of photos of Congressional Record, but is not the full communication from Congress. Here is a PDF of EVERYTHING they had to say about the subject:
Here is a picture of the most handsome boy ever, Balou. Back in 2015 I met Balou through my friend Cody and him and I became best friends. He’s now getting old and lost most of his hearing and vision. Sadly, He will not be with us that much longer but I have had such a great time knowing him and loving him.
We used to play video games all night long and he would lay on this one specific section of the side couch that was his. We would throw cheese at him and he would snore and fart for many hours. He was just a bundle of love.
Whenever we had a party, Balou would walk around and meet everyone and try to get food. But he just loves people so much and he is such a friendly boy.
I wanted his legacy to live on through our coat of arms… hence the English Bulldogs.
Balou has always been happy to just exist. And I want his love and appreciation for life to live on through our coat of arms.