Covenant of an Ambassador:
Body Politic:
State or nation or public associations -Black’s Law 4th Edition
An association or company of persons (generally unincorporated) united together by mutual consent, in order to deliberate, determine, and act jointly for some common purpose. In a wider sense, the community or public; the people in general. -Black’s Law 4th Edition
“An Independent body politic; a society of men united together for the purpose of promoting their mutual safety and advantage by the joint efforts of their combined strength. But every combination of men who govern themselves independently of all others will not be considered a nation. A body of pirates, for example, who govern themselves, are not a nation. To constitute a nation, another ingredient is required. The body thus formed must respect other nations in general, and each of their members in particular. Such a society has her affairs and her interests; she deliberates and takes resolutions in common, thus becoming a moral person, who possesses an understanding and will peculiar to herself, and is susceptible of obligations and rights.” Vattel, Prelim. Ill, 2; 5 Pet. (U. S.) 52. See 1 Idaho (N. S.) 612.
Amnesty is the abolition and forgetfulness of the offense. -Black's Law 4th Edition
a temporary alliance of distinct parties, persons, or states for joint action -Merriam-Webster's dictionary
The tranquility enjoyed by a political society, internally by the good order which reigns among its members, and externally by the good understanding it has with all other nations. Applied to the internal regulations of a nation, peace imports, in a technical sense, not merely a state of repose and security as opposed to one of violence or warfare, but likewise a state of public order and decorum. - Black's Law 4th Edition
In international law, a public officer, clothed with high diplomatic powers, commissioned by a sovereign prince or state to transact the international business of his government at the court of the country to which he is sent. -Black's Law 4th Edition
"Intent" expresses mental action at its most advanced point, or as it actually accompanies an outward, corporal [of or involving the body] act which has been determined on. Intent shows the presence of will in the act which consummates a crime. It is the exercise of intelligent will, the mind being fully aware of the nature and consequences of the act which is about to be done, and with such knowledge, and with full liberty of action, willing and electing to do it. -Black's Law 4th Edition (bracket section added by Brandon Joe Williams to clarify the word "corporal")
Wish; desire; pleasure; inclination; choice; the faculty of conscious, and especially of deliberate, action. -Black's Law 4th Edition
Authority to do any act which the grantor might himself lawfully perform -Black's Law 4th Edition
An agreement between two or more parties, reduced to writing and executed by a sealing and delivery thereof, whereby some of the parties named therein engage, or one of them engages, with the other, or others, or some of them, therein also named, that some act hath or hath not already been done, or for the performance or non-performance of some specified duty. -Black's Law 4th Edition
Comprehending. Clarity of operation. Enjoyment of the clarity that comes with the addressing and eliminating of a confusion or mystery. -Brandon Joe Williams
In its largest sense, a "state" is a body politic or a society of men. -Black's Law 6th Edition
The binding power of a vow, promise, oath, or contract, or of law, civil, political, or moral, independent of a promise; that which constitutes legal or moral duty, and which renders a person liable to coercion and punishment for neglecting it. -Black’s Law 4th Edition
The nation/state of The Amnesty Coalition is a temporary nation that is a large amalgamation of many different people from all races and walks of life that all follow 4 simple rules:
1. To be at peace at all times and never allow yourself or your world to be poisoned by people trying to manipulate you into some kind of warfare. Even the Art of War, by Sun Tzu, is only applicable in times of war. Since “all warfare is based on deception,” then I suppose our transparency is evidence as to our lack of desire for war.
2. To devote the basic essence of your life to the creation, clarification and dissemination of the definitions and meanings of words, terms, phrases and symbols, as needed to expand and clarify this world. This dissemination includes presenting the meanings and definitions in a way that promotes excitement and understanding in the person receiving the information.
3. The recognition and dissemination that the 14th Amendment, in the United States, was never legally ratified. The final few states required to make it pass were threatened, under duress, to sign (which nullifies their contracts and signatures). This is covered, in detail, in the first session of the 90th Congress, that the 14th Amendment was never legally ratified and you pledge to assist the US Congress to correct that massive misunderstanding. Congress needs our help and we are going to stand with them to fix this situation. The 14th Amendment was not originally something evil but, over the course of over a century of time, its original intention has been warped and misunderstood in a very damaging way to cause people to unknowingly confer the nationality of “US citizen” upon themselves (thus stripping all of their rights and causing themselves, as “freemen” of the “Union,” to be left barren with only the same “privileges and immunities” that were offered to the released “negroes” after the ending of slavery).
4. You promise to work towards the usage of real money (gold/silver coins) and to eliminate negotiable instruments (unconditional promises and orders to pay) to be circulated as currency. You understand and acknowledge the same dangers that the Founding Fathers warned us against regarding paper currency that is not tied to gold and silver coins. You understand that this negotiable instrument system creates homelessness, squalor, etc and you agree that every man, woman and child on the planet deserves the basic necessities of food, water, shelter, etc. You pledge yourself to be a solider in the fight for a more just financial system where everyone can support themselves and their family without undue economic difficulty.
We understand that the beauty and appreciation for life is achieved not by material things, necessarily, but by a personal nobility and love for ourselves and others. Material things may or may not be a part of that but are not the key aspects of life.
The Amnesty Coalition does not seek fighting, violence or revenge for any of the imagined or real injustices occurring in the world. Instead, we realize that the people responsible for the world we live in are terribly depraved. We understand, as a collective, that their very own degraded personal experience of life is more of a revenge than anything we could ever hope to do to them.
We understand that the people who are responsible for how bad certain areas of the world are, hate themselves and hate others. We understand that these people, of which do not constitute a large percentage of the population, have created their own prison. They do not enjoy their lives and they live in their own personal festering prison that has been covered over by a frail blanket of arrogance. We know that their only defense to the overbearing guilt that they could have for their offenses is to manufacture a world, in their own mind, where every single person in the world is truly evil and deserves to be tortured and killed.
This leaves a person, who is in that condition, in a world that is terrifying and hostile. A world that is not enjoyable. A world that needs to be destroyed.
Because of this, we are coming together to forgive them and clean up the mess they have made, no differently than a crying baby that has spilled their milk. Their existence in this state is more of a true vengeance than absolutely anything we could do to them with our own hands.
Each individual member of the nation is where each individual member says they are. As a collective, the only possible way to describe the location of The Amnesty Coalition, would be “Earth.”
There are no "citizens" of The Amnesty Coalition. There are no passive positions available within the nation of The Amnesty Coalition. There are ONLY ambassadors.
As a general rule of operation, we follow the advice of Sun Tzu during times of war, but we have clarified a particular point of what he says...
Sun Tzu says "know thy enemy." But what we, as The Amnesty Coalition, question is that if you know someone SO WELL... do they naturally cease to become an enemy? We ask ourselves: "is an enemy only an enemy due to a lack of OUR OWN understanding?"
We do not live from a position of being a victim... being affected negatively by things and people around us. Instead, through the clarification of the definitions of words, terms and phrases, we are able to understand people to such a level that all hostilities simply melt away.
We ask questions involving the definitions of words, terms and phrases with childlike-precision. We do not judge or hate. We attempt to understand because understanding is the ONLY settlement to the dispute called "war." Many people create wars; we end wars.
We understand that most people are not in combat with us explicitly. We understand that most people are in combat with themselves or some semblance of their own past. We don't take things personally. We know that by helping someone else define the words, terms and phrases, we are freeing them from their own prison.
We walk the Earth as healers. We do not see others as a threat because we have devoted ourselves to our growth and that growth is more important than any assumed threat to that growth. We are the ones in control of our own destiny.
We believe and understand that INTENT is senior to thought. We agree that intent is the most senior aspect to all action. Because of this, all ambassadors must pledge, TO THE ABSOLUTE LIMIT OF THEIR CAPACITY, to always refocus, center and clarify their own intent in every area of their own life.
Ambassadors of The Amnesty Coalition do not use their diplomatic immunity to do harm to others, swindle others or make the world a harder place to live in. Anyone doing this in the name of The Amnesty Coalition is instantaneously not a member of ours and they do not need any official public release from us to signify an ending of the relationship.
Our nation is naturally policed by the intention to clarify words, terms and phrases (and symbols as well). We assume ourselves to be aspiring to be the greatest communicators in the world due to our inquisitive attitude and unquenchable desire to know. We are not overbearing in our search for understanding but we are appreciative. We find other cultures and nations absolutely fascinating and our curiosity is something beautiful and interesting to us. Our idea of “traveling,” for example, would be to submerge ourselves in a culture out of curiosity and respect.
We do not assume a position of superiority. But we do know that we live our lives wielding an extreme level of power. Our power is applied to the releasing of others from the bondage of a lack of definition and meaning from the words, terms, phrases and symbols in their mind. We know that, BY SIMPLY HELPING OTHERS INVESTIGATE THE MEANINGS OF WHAT THEY SAY OR THINK, WE FREE THEM FROM THE BONDAGE THEY HAVE TO THEIR OWN MIND.
We request to understand more about others because we wish to understand, but also because we wish others to understand. We walk the Earth as healers of the mind because we focus our energy into the clarification and expanding of consciousness for all the people in the world.
We believe that all people... including all police, judges, etc, deserve to understand the definitions of law. We believe all people are deserving of a searching inspection of the things in their mind.
We understand that those people who are able to successfully inspect their own mind are growing. We help them use dictionaries in order to build up their understanding of the symbolism of their own existence.
We understand that the ultimate level of control over a person's personal life is the complete control and redefining of all words, terms, phrases and symbols in a way that benefits them and everyone else around them to the maximum possible capacity.
We understand that a vast majority of people mean well. We understand that the biggest problem for most people is their own intent. We realize that we assist to straighten out the intent of others by helping them clarify the definitions of words, terms, phrases and symbols.
We realize there is a tremendous amount of "fear porn" in the world. Meaning information that is given to us that creates fear. We automatically assume that all information that creates fear in our world is manufactured by people that should not be listened to.
An ambassador of The Amnesty Coalition is not an exclusive position. Meaning all ambassadors are free to join or be a member of any other tribe, nation or government. As long as they agree to this covenant in its entirety.
Any definitions of words that are found to be manufactured or produced with the intent to suppress or destroy others (within the nation or without) is the greatest possible crime within The Amnesty Coalition and will be met with immediate exile from the nation. This exile will be met with the only remedy for reentry being direct petition to Brandon Joe Williams and approval in writing in affidavit form.
The temporary nature of this nation is until the entire world is at peace. At that point, the nation will be dissolved and morph into another form where it will be more of a maintenance nation in order to simply maintain that of which has been completed.
All ambassadors of The Amnesty Coalition attest to the fact that they understand all the definitions of this covenant and agree to it without reservation. All ambassadors of The Amnesty Coalition devote themselves to the actions required to bring about the ideas and ideals of The Amnesty Coalition and Brandon Joe Williams. All ambassadors understand that this devotion needs to be entirely and fully determined by the individual ambassador and that no sort of groveling or worship is wanted or desired by Brandon Joe Williams. Without independent thought, decision and intent, all ambassadors risk losing their status as ambassadors.
Ambassadors of The Amnesty Coalition are called “Pickletarians.”