Hello from the king,

Back in March of 2022, when I first launched my original website www.onestupidfuck.com, I wanted to have a place where anyone could come and learn more about their nationality, taxation and their relationship with the world.

Now here we are, just a handful of years later, and I never would have imagined that this would turn into a movement large enough to justify the creation of an entire nation. But here we are, and I couldn’t be more thrilled.

Tens of thousands (or maybe hundreds of thousands at this point) of people all over the world have joined the Nation of The Amnesty Coalition. Many people have even expressed tears of joy or relief just from reading our covenant.

While I am an Ambassador-At-Large, wanting to help all nations of the world, I have specifically pledged qualified allegiance to four different nations, making me a multi-national.

I am a national, as per the definition found in 8 USC 1101(a)(21), of 4 states:

1. The Nation of The Amnesty Coalition
2. The Republic of Slowjamastan
3. The United States of America (unincorporated)
4. The unincorporated California Republic - 1849 Constitution (NOT the incorporated STATE OF CALIFORNIA - 1879 Constitution). The correct term for this, as per the U.S. Government Publishing Office Style Manual section 5.23, would be “Californian” or “unincorporated Indiana territory native (1816 Constitution), domiciled in the unincorporated California Republic (1849 Constitution)”

I am an unincorporated “freeman” of the “Union,” as quoted from the Honorable Mr. Justice MILLER, as he spoke on the difference between state citizenship and Federal US citizenship in the Supreme Court case: The Slaughter-House Cases, 83 U.S. 36 (1873). You can read what he has to say, in full, by clicking this link: https://scholar.google.com/scholar_case?case=12565118578780815007&q=slaughterhouse&hl=en&as_sdt=2006

I am the agent on behalf of BRANDON JOE WILLIAMS®, who of which is a franchise and a US citizen in accordance with 42 USC 9102(18)(A). He is also movable through the process of naturalization found in 8 USC 1101(a)(23), as he fits under the definition of “individual” - making him a “person” as per the Title 8 definition. I typically naturalize him into STATE OF CALIFORNIA (1879 Constitution), which would make him a resident of STATE OF CALIFORNIA.

Here is a photo of myself with the Sultan of Slowjamastan, Randy Williams, circa Oct 2023

Here is a photo of myself with the Slowjamastan Chief Boarder Agent, Mark Corona, circa Oct 2023

Here is a video of me, on April 27th 2024, receiving my second diplomatic passport from Slowjamastan. I had recently become a member of parliament and also needed some of the information on my previous passport updated:

To see more information about Slowjamastan, please visit https://www.slowjamastan.org/

Learn more about our nation